All students in Years 8, 9, 10 complete a program of core and elective
subjects spread over 3 years.
core subjects include: English, Mathematics, History, Science and Health and
Physical Education.
elective subjects include: Business, Information and Technology, Drama, Home
Economics, Manual Arts, Music and visual Art.
Year 10 students also participate in a range of career education
programs including BEACON and iTrak Mentoring with the Smith Family.
In Years 11 and 12, students choose from a variety of subjects offered
by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority. A range of post-school links have been
established allowing students access to tertiary enrichment programs including:
Griffith Connect, Griffith Uni-reach and the University of Queensland Young
Achievers Program.
We are also committed to vocational education and workplace learning. Students have the opportunity to combine paid
work with schooling by applying for School-Based Apprenticeships and
Traineeships coordinated by school staff. The number of students who chose to study a TAFE subject as part of
their Senior course has increased significantly.