Mabel Park Industrial
Technology & Design (ITD)
In Industrial Technology Design we have both junior and
senior electives. In all classes students have a series of both practical and
theory lessons in which they follow a design, make and appraise process. In
senior certificate courses students work to complete competencies associated
with the certificate through the completion of various projects. 
Junior ITD Elective
In the junior classes we follow the national curriculum and
use timber, metal and acrylic to complete various projects. Students will work
through their designs on paper first using technical drawing techniques and
then apply these to their material. Teaching staff will assist the students
through all the practical lesson to ensure students are completing the work safely
and to the highest standard possible. Junior classes will focus on hand tools
with an introduction to basic power tools that the students are able to
manipulate safely.
Senior ITD Electives
Students are given more choice for specialisation in Senior
ITD electives. This enables students to focus on one or many areas of interest
if desired and the subjects go into greater detail in each area.
Students can choose one or all of the electives.
In certificate electives, projects and theory units are
designed to cover multiple competencies.
Construction is delivered through the Certificate I in
Construction. In this elective students need to complete a set of competencies
that expose them to tools and techniques in construction industry. This is done
through various projects that are completed in the workshop and around the
school. Students will be given safe access to most machines and tools in the
workshop and the workshop is designed to replicate an industry standard
workshop. Students will also complete tasks around the school eg: Surveying,
Concreting, bricklaying and various other maintenance tasks.
Engineering is delivered through the Certificate II in
Engineering Pathways. In this elective students need to complete a set of
competencies that expose them to tools and techniques in the engineering
industry. The practical classes are completed in the Trade Training Centre,
this is a purpose built engineering workshop that is designed to replicate an
industry standard workshop. Students will have access to all machines and
equipment used in industry and complete projects based around each machine. All
associated theory is completed alongside each practical unit.
Industrial Skills
The Industrial Technology Skills subject
focuses on the underpinning industry practices and production processes required to manufacture
products in a variety of industries. The subject includes two core topics —
‘Industry practices’ and ‘Production processes’. Industry practices are used by
manufacturing enterprises to manage the manufacturing of products from raw materials. Production processes combine
the production skills and procedures required to create products. Students will work with both timber and metal in year 11
and year 12 to develop skills ready for industry at the completion of the unit.
Graphics Skills
Graphics is designed to give students skills in both
drafting, 3d modelling and printing. Students will begin will introduction of
various software packages and how they are used to best complete a task.
Students will design 3d objects and complete a 3d printed models of them. They
will also need to complete 2d drawing to industry standard so that it could be
reproduced by another workshop. Students will also complete drafting exercises
in which they will design a basic house and complete industry standard drafting
plans and elevations for this house.