An important aspect of
the Junior Secondary program is to provide students with many opportunities to
read, write and speak mathematically, with students working in groups or
individually on ‘problem solving’ and investigation tasks. Also, a regular
commitment to the use of technology has been established with the use of
i-devices and digital learning platforms. Year 10 students study a
program that prepares them for their senior studies and assists students to
find a program of study that is best suited to their needs.
Mathematics is taught in innovative and fun ways such as linking numeracy
concepts to topics such as sport, bridge building and water rockets, to name a
few. In order to cater for individual learning ,we pre-assess students at
the beginning of each concept to determine what level they will access the
learning. This allows teachers to cater for individual differences and
thus design activities which allow students to progress through concepts at
their own pace. Gifted and Talented students are challenged and
encouraged to work more independently on projects to allow students to gain a
deeper understanding of each topic and avoid unnecessary and time consuming